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About This Site

What we do

JetsonPlaysGames was created as a space to provide a collection of game reviews for games of all types and ages. We will provide our sincere thoughts on games new and old as we play - or replay - them.

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How grading works

At JetsonPlaysGames, we intend to provide our readers with critical reviews to give them a sense of each game we play. These can be used to inform your purchasing habits, or even just for entertainment.

If you are looking for the score only, there is a dedicated section at the bottom of each scored review with final thoughts and score.

Scores are ranged 1-10. These scores take into consideration every element of the game being reviewed, but how each individual part is graded is up to the reviewer and the weight of any individual piece to the final score is also dependent on the game (i.e. music is more important to a rhythm game than, say, an FPS).

What the scores mean

  1. Unplayable - This game is functionally unplayable. Any consideration beyond “can this game be played” is rendered meaningless.

  2. Miserable - Not fun to play and offers nothing worth experiencing.

  3. Awful - No real bright spots. Falls flat across the board.

  4. Poor - Has significant limitations or flaws that prevent it from being recommended.

  5. Average - Your time could be better spent elsewhere, but it may not be a negative encounter.

  6. Good - An enjoyable game, if you know where to look. May have significant flaws, but something here is worth exploring.

  7. Very Good - Excels in at least one or two meaningful ways. These games may be lacking some polish, but we came away happy about the adventure.

  8. Great - An outstanding game that succeeds in more ways than not. May come with some caveats, but there is enough here to rave about.

  9. Exemplary - Fully recommended games that present the player with an engaging experience that will be fondly remembered.

  10. Genre-Defining - While there may not be a perfect game, these games are truly works of art. They push the boundaries of what a games do or can be in some or many ways. The highest recommendation we can offer.

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